Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Gone Girl

AUTHOR: Gillian Flynn
GENRE: Fiction

My husband and I were lucky enough to be invited on a lovely vacation to Virginia Beach this past week.  The house - which was all of 50 feet from the beach - had a pool, 2 kitchens, and, best of all, a bookshelf*.  It also had an owner that works either at a bookstore or in publishing, because a lot of the books were advance proof copies of only-recently released books, which is how I ended up  reading a paperback copy of Gone GirlGone Girl, which just came out in hard cover in June.  Gone Girl, which is due to go to about 37 people before me at the library.  Gone Girl, which is at the top of the best-sellers list.  And that's how I enjoyed the a beautiful trip to the beach and the must-read of the summer.

And let me tell you, that was some messed-up (beeeeep).

Actually, that's about all I can tell you.

Well, maybe a little more.  Nick and Amy aren't the happiest of married couples; that much is obvious from the start.  But then Amy goes missing.  And that's right about when this book catapults past the standard "did the husband do it?"  to something way more complicated - and way more interesting.  And did I mention completely messed up? 

And that's all I can tell you.

I know, it's not much to go on.  To try and start to unravel this thing would to do you and the author a disservice.  But let me tell you, it's worth getting on that library list.  It's worth just buying the thing.  It might even be worth incurring the wrath of a very book-conscious rental house owner. 

LENGTH: 432 pages
MAINSTREAM OR NOT: It's the It book right now.

*The bookshelf had a little note that read, "Dear guest, Welcome! Please feel free to read any of the 58 BOOKS here", which I thought was a very discrete way of saying, "we know what you're planning, you thieving bastards, and if you do, we'll have your security deposit faster than you can say public library".

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