Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Save as Draft

AUTHOR: Cavanaugh Lee
GENRE: Chick-Lit.  Oh Lordy, serious chick-lit.

Let me begin by saying, I picked up this book at the library at 5:44 this evening. It is now 7:59, and I am done with it.  And that's with breaks to walk the dog and unload the dishwasher.  So that should tell you something right off the bat.

Save as Draft is the story of a young woman trying to find love in the age of the internet.  The twist is, it's told totally in the form of emails, text messages, and Facebook updates.  That's it.  No running commentary.  No descriptions.  Just lots and lots of emails.  It was almost as if Lee knew her story just was not interesting enough, so she had to come up with some wacky format.  It almost works... for about 5 pages.  After that, it's just kitchy.  And even worse, a portion of the emails aren't even that interesting - "I'm looking at the menu now.  I think I'll have the salmon!"  Fascinating.  Next time, I'll just read through my inbox and save myself a trip.

The technique is so specific to now that it already feels dated.  I can practically see some reader 5 years from now picking up the book (well, downloading the book) and laughing about how obsessed we were with Facebook.  The cover art is the Apple logo, only it's a heart instead of an apple.  (I'm surprised Steve Jobs didn't sue the you-know-what out of her for that.)  The book just tries so hard to be cool and relevant.  It's the book equivalent of Drew Barrymore in Never Been Kissed.  It just wants you to LIKE IT. 

That being said, taken for what it is, it's not exactly bad.  It's really, really easy, and some of the emails are pretty funny, especially those between the main character's married friends.  And that's about all there is to say about Save as Draft. 

LENGTH: 317 pages of emails and texts and Facebook updates.  Even the acknowledgements.  That's dedication.
MAINSTREAM OR NOT: Oh, it wants to be.  It wants to be so very much.
SO, SHOULD I READ IT OR NOT?: I guess if you want total fluff that will bide you over for about an hour at the pool, it can't hurt.

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