Thursday, March 8, 2012

Miss Manners' Guide to Not Acting the Fool: Interlude

Dear Miss Manners:
How does one address another who has shrunk their literary responsibilities?  I dedicated myself to your tome but am horrified to say I was seduced by the glamour of reality TV and big-headed supermodels into reading a different book.  Can I ever be forgiven?
Gentle Reader:
While upholding one's responsibilities, especially those taken on voluntarily, is of the utmost importance, it would be ungracious to shun those who might slip momentarily from their duties.  Rather, it is better to accept them back with grace and understanding, but also with a quiet reminder that if it happens again you beat them with a wooden spoon until they run home crying to their mother.
Politely, of course.

Okay, so maybe that's not the exact answer she would give.  But it sounded good for a minute, didn't it?

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